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Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity

Christian Fraternity

Alpha Omega is the cutting edge of Campus Ministry. We help provide not only what you need spritually but socially. Alpha Omega operates as a ministry with a fraternal framework providing an alternative to traditional fraternities and sororities. 


Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity Incorporated


Ministry Structure

Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity Incorporated is a Christian Greek-lettered organization. It is designed to maximize manhood and womanhood. Individuals seeking membership desire to go to the next level in their relationship in Christ and understand that ministry requires passion, commitment and work. Our goal is to develop leaders with a heart to change their university’s campus for Christ.


There are two main ministries within Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity Incorporated: THE PRIDE formerly (Brothers in Battle for Life Eternal) a men’s campus ministry and EMERGE formerly(Women Of Warfare) a women’s campus ministry. Having a men’s and women’s focus ensures effectiveness in ministry on our university campuses.THE PRIDE and  EMERGE  are encouraged to combine ministry events, programs and outings. WE ARE ONE UNIT!


Why a Co-Ed Christian Fraternity? The bible refers to the covenant relationship between the bride (us) and the bridegroom (Christ). Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity mimics the concept of covenant. The ministry places its members in a unique position. We believe that the men of Alpha Omega are taking the lead the spiritual as well as the physical lives of the members in this ministry; thereby producing a ministry of men and women that are strong in every area of life: spiritually, soulishly, physically, socially and financially. We believe that the women of Alpha Omega are learning the power of submission and trust in God and the male leadership that has been set over us. In no way are the women of this ministry oppressed or silenced. The women of Alpha Omega are encouraged to passionately pursue their destinies in Christ. We believe this covenant relationship will not only deepen each individual’s relationship with Christ but it will prepare its members for a healthier marriage in the future.


The biblical principle of “headship” is acknowledged within Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity. The ministry is designed to build strong men and women. We operate within the biblical understanding of gender roles (Genesis 1:26 – 27). God created men and women and instructed them to take authority and walk in dominion. When Adam and Eve fell, God did not address the woman first, he addressed Adam. This did not mean that Eve was without responsibility (Genesis 3:22 – 23). The word “headship” means the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or control. This does not mean that women inside of Alpha Omega cannot hold leadership positions. The members of this ministry follow the Founder as he follows Christ.


Headship is also recognized on the university campuses where Alpha Omega exists. It is to this end when establishing a new chapter of Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity on a university/college campus that at least two (2) men and two (2) women are required to begin the process.


Alpha Omega is designed to operate in five (5) areas of ministry:

□ Building and strengthening

□ Witnessing to believers & non-believers

□ Creating programs fitting that of Christian living

□ To meet and address the issues on campus

□ To ensure educational success.


Alpha Omega exists to:

□ Connect college students to Christ

□ Connect College students to a local Church

□ Connect College students to their campus

□ Connect College students to the community


Alpha Omega Co-Ed Christian Fraternity is not designed to change the uniqueness of the individual. We want to enhance and cultivate what God has placed within you. We are an incubator creating the right atmosphere to develop what is growing inside of you. It is our goal to birth ministries out of this ministry.



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